Technical Debt

Our Origin Story

Our Origin Story

Like every superhero (#Glass and thanks @StanLee @Marvel), every startup has an origin story. We shared a few pieces in our first blog post, Click to Send - which documented the moment of truth when we actually committed to being done writing so that @MorganJames could begin the publishing process. With the final book on its way, we thought it might be opportune timing to share our own origin story with the genesis of The Titanic Effect idea.

But first, an update on our journey -- last week we received (and signed) our first set of “pre-release” printed books…

50 Ways to Validate Your Startup Idea (Okay, it’s More like 5)

50 Ways to Validate Your Startup Idea (Okay, it’s More like 5)

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – a great startup founder has to be a little humble. Imagine that you see a problem and find a great solution. You get so excited. You envision a cool solution and start building a product. You figure out how much money you are going to need to get the product built and then…

SaaS Market Trends for 2019 and How to Align Your Startup Growth Strategy

…We like to call this The Capital S problem. What is the Capital S in most SaaS startups? Founders, particularly those with a technical background, like to think it is the first S—Software (Saas). That is much more scalable and sellable to investors. But even the most intuitive software…